Posts Tagged Tax

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

Image via Wikipedia

I am a Conservative to my core. Bernie Sanders is about as far from my political affiliation as mungfish is from veal. However, having said that, I feel the need to add a “HELL YEAH! PREACH IT!!!” to his filibuster from the other day.

The filibuster is an odd bird and one rarely used properly in today’s weenie Congress. Over the last 25 years or so it’s been a threat more than an actual applied action, and this spans both sides of the aisle. “I’m going to filibuster you!” has been the rallying cry of the sac-less in Congress, and for whatever reason, it’s worked. There hasn’t been an actual filibuster since 1992 when Alfonse D’Amato spoke for 15 hours and brags that he “…wanted to keep going … and I could have.”

Bernie Sanders broke that record of the non-filibuster filibuster by standing on the floor for 8 and a half hours and talking about the tax deal coming down the pike. A real, God’s-honest all work be damned and screw your TV cameras too filibuster. You keep on with your bad self, Bernie.

Here’s the main point of the filibuster: not passing the tax deal because it sucks.

Here’s the main question about said filibuster: why Friday? Why stand on the floor to filibuster a vote that isn’t happening until MONDAY?

Long point short, it’s a stunt. An effective stunt, but a stunt nonetheless. Bernie wanted to bring light to the fact that he thinks the tax deal proposed by the president and signed off on by the majority of Congress is utter bollocks and needs to be stopped.

I think he made his point. If you are going to do something, do it right. Don’t do the pansy crap that’s been done since 1992.

Go Bernie!

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